Workshop Intensivo de Introducción a la Acuarela
"The Lucanos Drawings"
Durante las 3 horas de este taller virtual, vas a acceder a:
• proyecciones online para que aprendas técnicas básicas de acuarela, desde tu casa.
• feedback personalizado con el docente, para llevar adelante tu obra en acuarela, resolviendo tus dudas y acompañándote en tu búsqueda creativa/estética.
🖌️ Modalidad: podés proponer tu propio proyecto/idea, o bien se te brindarán modelos fotográficos para trabajar.
🎨 Materiales: solo necesitas una paleta de acuarelas (o tintas, o lápices acuarelables), un lápiz de dibujo (2B o más blando) y hojas de papel blanco (idealmente de alto gramaje), papel de rollo de cocina y pinceles (lo que tengas en casa).
🔗 Plataformas de acceso: Google Meet + WhatsApp.
⏰ Horario: a convenir según disponibilidad del participante.
• Formas de pago: transferencia bancaria o Mercado Pago.
• No son necesarios conocimientos previos.
• Inscribite enviando un mensaje directo o vía mail a
Taller Continuo de Dibujo y Acuarelas en San Telmo
Todo el año, todos los niveles.
Taller individual o grupal.
Informes e inscripción:

Drawing and Watercolor Workshop in San Telmo
Travelers will have an individual drawing session experience. Specially designed for tourists with an interest in art (drawing, painting) who wish to produce a piece in Buenos Aires, in a relaxed environment, where young local artists also attend.
The Drawing and Watercolor Workshop -where we work with inks, watercolors, nib, markers and pencils on paper- is held in an old house in San Telmo, where the artist has it's own atelier. Lucano has been teaching his workshop for 15 years.
The modality is a classroom-workshop, eminently practical, focused on figurative drawing. A large library of photographic and art books, and catalogs, make up an important collection available to travelers, as a trigger for their work.
Every Thursday and Friday, during the whole year, the doors opens from 7 pm (o'clock) to 10 pm (o'clock). During the sessions each assistant carries out his production, and is guided by Mariano Lucano in the search and development of a personal style.
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Urban Sketching in Buenos Aires
You’ll get an urban sketching session of drawing and watercolors in Buenos Aires.
I'll help you to capture the atmosphere of the place, even if it's your first sketch, and we'll learn from each other. The experience will be friendly, and by the end you will go back home with a special souvenir of your trip.
You can choose between these 4 locations: Plaza de San Telmo, Parque Lezama, Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve, Puerto Madero.
No experience necessary, beginner friendly, materials provided.
What to bring:
Sunglasses, hat, sunscreen
Beverage or snack
Comfortable clothing
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